Climate variations leaves its footprints in nature. What we see from recorded events are apparently random climate changes over time. Records of past events hide...
The Paris agreement is an international agreement to control global warming by reducing emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. The aim is to limit global warming...
C02 variations has been associated with the Greenhouse paradigm and the green wave. Real data of CO2 variations from 1820-2020 reveals: Atmospheric CO2 variations are controlled global...
“Vitenskapens store tragedie: å drepe en vakker hypotese, med et stygt faktum.” — Thomas Huxley (1825-1895). Der hadde vært en rådende oppfatning, om en direkte...
Månen innflytelse på klimaendringer er betydelig undervurdert. Vi finner signaturen til månen over alt i naturen. Fra endringer i jordrotasjonen, til forvalting av havressurser. I...
Greenland temperature (GISP2) variability is controlled by lunar nodal cycle periods of (1, 4, 8, 16, 24)18.6 years and solar forced periods of (166, 333…4450)...
Galileo rettet sitt teleskop, mot Jupiters måner. Jupiters måner var i bevegelse. De viste at ikke alt i universet, dreier seg rundt jorden. I bakgrunnen...